
Deathbed Wills in New York

When it comes to estate planning, one of the critical components is creating a will that outlines how a person's assets and property will be distributed after their passing. However, situations arise where individuals draft what is commonly referred to as a "death bed will." In New York, a death bed will is a will created by a person who is in a state of declining mental or physical health or otherwise have legitimate concerns that death is imminent. While these wills can be valid under certain circumstances, they are also susceptible to challenges due to the potential lack of capacity and external influences. If your loved passed away leaving a death bed will, and you have questions about its validity, contact an experienced New York will contest lawyer at Stephen Bilkis & Associates. Our team can provide valuable insights and guidance to help you assess the validity of the will, address any concerns, and take the necessary steps to protect your interests and the true intentions of your loved one.

Problem of Death Bed Wills

For a will to be valid in New York, certain statutory formalities generally must be adhere to. The will must be in writing and must be signed by the testator at the end of the document. EPTL § 3-2.1. The will must be signed by at least two competent witnesses who were present when the testator signed the will. These witnesses must also sign the will in the presence of the testator and each other. The testator must be of sound mind, meaning they understand the nature of their actions and the effects of their decisions when creating the will. The testator must be at least 18 years old to create a valid will. EPTL § 3-1.1.

Additionally, the legitimacy of a will is contingent upon the absence of duress or undue influence imposed upon the testator. These external pressures must not compromise the testator's free and independent decision-making process when formulating the will. Ensuring such integrity is essential to upholding the will's validity.

Death bed wills can be problematic because they raise concerns about the testator's mental capacity to comprehend their decisions due to their deteriorating health or medication. Additionally, the rush to create these wills can result in poorly worded provisions, potentially leading to ambiguity and disputes among beneficiaries.

The potential for undue influence is higher when the testator is vulnerable, as family members, caregivers, or close associates may manipulate the situation for personal gain. Witnesses might also lack credibility, as they could be biased individuals. Moreover, beneficiaries who were expecting certain inheritances under a previous will may contest a new death bed will that significantly alters asset distribution.

To minimize the likelihood of a will contest, it's advisable to engage in comprehensive estate planning well in advance. Furthermore, if you have concerns over the validity of a death bed will, contact an experienced New York will contest lawyer.

Validating a Death Bed Will in New York

Validating a death bed will in New York involves navigating a complex legal landscape while considering the unique circumstances surrounding the testator's condition. A death bed will, in this context, refers to a standard written will created by a testator who is seriously ill and approaching the end of their life. Despite the urgency of such situations, the legal requirements for validating a death bed will remain rigorous to ensure the integrity of the document.

To validate a death bed will, it must satisfy specific criteria outlined in New York law. The testator must have the mental capacity to understand the implications of their decisions, despite their health condition. Their capacity to comprehend the nature of their assets, the beneficiaries involved, and the consequences of their choices is vital. The will must be signed by the testator in the presence of at least two competent witnesses, who must also sign the document, attesting to the testator's voluntary act and capacity.

In addition to the standard formalities, concerns about undue influence or coercion become particularly relevant in death bed will cases. Demonstrating that the testator acted independently, free from manipulation, is crucial to validating the will's authenticity. This often requires gathering evidence to establish that the testator's intentions were not compromised by external factors.

While the urgency of creating a death bed will is understood, adhering to these legal prerequisites is essential to avoid challenges to its validity. Validating a death bed will requires a careful balance between respecting the testator's wishes and upholding the legal safeguards designed to protect the integrity of the document and the interests of all parties involved. If you have concerns about the validity of a death bed will in New York, contact a skilled will contest attorney in New York.

Contesting a Death Bed Will in New York

Due to the often rushed and informal nature of death bed wills, they are prone to challenges based on lack of testamentary capacity and undue influence. In New York, a will contest can arise when there are doubts about a testator's mental capacity at the time of creating the will, potentially rendering the document invalid. Being of "sound mind and memory," a statutory requirement, means the testator must possess the cognitive ability to understand the nature of their actions and the consequences of their decisions when forming the will. Similarly, when someone is very ill, they are vulnerable to undue influence. A will contest can arise if undue influence is suspected, where external pressure or manipulation leads the testator to make decisions not in line with their true intentions. Undue influence involves coercive tactics that compromise the testator's free and independent decision-making process when creating the will.

Contesting a death bed will involves asserting that the document is invalid for various reasons, such as lack of capacity or undue influence. Here are the steps one can take to contest a death bed will in New York:

  • Gather Evidence: To successfully contest a death bed will, you will need evidence that supports your claim. This may include medical records, statements from witnesses, and expert testimony regarding the testator's mental capacity.
  • Legal Grounds: Identify the specific legal grounds on which you are contesting the will. Common grounds in the when a death bed will is involved include lack of capacity (the testator was not mentally competent to make the will), undue influence (the testator was coerced or manipulated), or fraud (the will was created through deceit).
  • File a Petition: To formally contest the will, you must file a petition with the appropriate New York Surrogate's Court. This petition should outline your reasons for contesting the will and present the evidence you have gathered. All interested must be notified of the will contest.
  • Probate Litigation Process: The case will proceed through the legal process, including hearings, discovery, and potentially a trial. The court will carefully consider the evidence and arguments presented by both parties before making a decision.
  • Decision: Unless there is a settlement, the court will decide whether the death bed will is valid or not. If the court determines that the will is invalid, the estate will be distributed according to the testator's previous valid will or the New York’s laws of intestacy if no prior will exists.

Contesting a death bed will can be complex and emotionally charged. It's important to consult with an experienced will contest attorney serving New York who to guide you through the process and help you build a strong case.

Holographic and Nuncupative Wills

Holographic and nuncupative are wills that are made without all of the statutory requirements of a will. They are considered death bed wills because they often are created due to the urgency of the situation, with the testator attempting to ensure that their assets are distributed according to their wishes.

Under EPTL § 3-2.2, a holographic will in New York refers to a handwritten will created by an individual, often in their own handwriting and without the presence of witnesses or other formalities required for typical wills. This type of will is considered an exception to the usual requirements, where witnesses and notarization are necessary to validate a will.

A nuncupative will in New York refers to a will that it that is spoken aloud by the testator before at least two witnesses, expressing their wishes for the distribution of their property and assets after their death. It is also referred to as an oral will.

According to EPTL § 3-2.2, holographic and nuncupative wills are only valid under very specific circumstances. The testator must be a member of the armed forces in conflict or a mariner at sea in imminent peril of death at the time they make the holographic or nuncupative will.

Contact Stephen Bilkis & Associates

Death bed wills, while created under urgent circumstances, must still adhere to specific legal requirements to be valid in New York. Due to the potential for lack of capacity and external influences, these wills are susceptible to being contested. If you believe a death bed will of a loved one is invalid, it's crucial to consult with a knowledgeable will contest attorney serving New York who can assist you in navigating the complex legal landscape of contesting wills. By gathering evidence, understanding the legal grounds, and following the proper procedures, you can seek a resolution that aligns with the true intentions of the deceased and ensures a just distribution of their assets. Contact us at 800-696-9529 to schedule a free, no obligation consultation regarding your case. We represent clients in the following locations: Manhattan, Long Island, Nassau County, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Suffolk County, Bronx, and Westchester County.

Client Reviews
Mr. Bilkis handled both my father and mother's estate issues through very difficult times he was compassionate kind and understanding. In fact the whole firm showed great empathy. Despite the emotional hard time we were having that quickly and efficiently handle all the matters that were necessary to get us the result we desired. Can't recommend them enough. B.B.
From the very first phone call to Stephen Bilkis' office, the staff was extremely polite and helpful in assisting me. Mr. Bilkis was honest and upfront with me from the beginning in what he projected the outcome of my case would be; in the end we got better results than either of us anticipated. He was very genuine and compassionate in understanding my situation and how this legal matter could effect not only myself but my family as well. I highly recommend this law firm and will most definitely continue using them for any future legal needs. Jarrett
Stephen has handled numerous estate matters, criminal matters and family court matters effectively and with a goal-oriented approach. He gets great results and is a results-oriented attorney. Dustin